We thought it would be informative to share with you some ideas about how to make the best use of a few of our Performance Processes.
CLI University – CLASS 4
Vinylizing for fabrics is our Performance Process of laminating a commercial grade clear vinyl film to the face of your fabric.
CLI University – CLASS 3
Vinylizing™ for Wallpaper – our brand of laminating films for wallpaper. Now you can permanently protect almost any wallpaper with two versions of our commercial grade heavy-duty clear matte or gloss laminating process, a general-purpose film and a flame retardant version.
CLI University – CLASS 2
PaperBac™ our brand for Paper Backing. Our commercial grade strippable paper added to the back of most fabrics, turns these fabrics into custom wallpaper.
CLI University – CLASS 1
We have introduced a monthly email called CLI University to keep our clients and prospects current about our processes and other news. We rolled out the first class in February.
KnitBac™ our brand for Knit Backing
For lightweight or fragile fabrics that need added strength and durability, the ideal process to choose is KnitBac™.